Education Kristin Erickson Education Kristin Erickson

What are Carbon Emissions and Why Do They Matter? A Simple Explanation.

From reading the news to product descriptions, you start seeing the term “carbon emissions” everywhere. So what does it mean? “Carbon” refers to carbon dioxide, sometimes just written as “CO2.” Carbon dioxide is a gas that is sometimes let into our atmosphere from our human activities (“emissions”). These gases can trap heat in the atmosphere and are called greenhouse gases.

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Education Kristin Erickson Education Kristin Erickson

Why Should We Save Water?

Water, often called the "elixir of life," is not an infinite resource. With climate change and population growth, the need for water conservation is more critical than ever. Saving water isn't just about reducing your utility bills; it's also about making a positive impact on the planet. Let’s explore four reasons why saving water is good for our beautiful blue planet.

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Education, Tips Kristin Erickson Education, Tips Kristin Erickson

17 Beginner Tips To Living Green

It can be challenging to change your habits, but I’ve come up with 17 green living tips that are easy to change so you can start living green today. I am focused on providing you with easy ways to be environmentally friendly. I promise, nothing difficult here. Let’s start with the basics.

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Education Kristin Erickson Education Kristin Erickson

What is Sustainability? A Simple Explanation

Did you know being sustainable and being green is not exactly the same thing? I’ve been telling my friends for years to stop using plastic water bottles, and it’s time to learn more about why, along with what all these environmentally friendly words mean. So, let’s start with the basics: What is sustainability?

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