100 Resolutions to Guide You to Green Living

Edge of a glacier breaking off into the water below.


World leaders’ target from 2015 was to restrain global warming by 1.5 degrees Celsius.  New research finds we will breach this target by 2040 (Source: Grist). With environmental concerns increasingly significant, the call to embrace sustainability has never been louder. It's about making mindful choices that help protect our planet for future generations, where every small change can help make a difference. If you're looking to start a more eco-friendly and green life, it begins with a shift in mindset. Below, we'll explore the meaning of sustainable living and provide you with a comprehensive list of 100 green living resolutions and mantras to guide your way.

Understanding Sustainability and Green Living

Sustainable living is a lifestyle that focuses on minimizing our ecological footprint and reducing harm to the environment. It encompasses various aspects of our lives, from the way we consume and dispose of goods to the energy sources we use and the choices we make in our everyday routines. Three core principles of sustainable living are to:

1. Conserve Resources: Use natural resources wisely and minimize waste.

2. Protect the Environment: Reduce pollution and minimize harm to ecosystems.

3. Promote Economic and Social Equity: Create a fair and just society for all.

Embracing a sustainable life is about aligning your actions with these principles. It doesn't require drastic changes overnight; it's a gradual and conscious shift towards a more eco-friendly and ethical lifestyle.  

100 Green Living and Eco-Friendly Resolutions

Many of the resolutions and mantras listed here require a change in habits. I suggest choosing one at a time.  Start with one resolution and focus on that for a month, and then determine if it makes sense to continue or to try another one. Write it down and put it somewhere visible for you to remember and repeat each day. The list is long so you can find something that will work for you. 

Let's dive into 100 resolutions and mantras that can guide your journey toward sustainable living:

An old shoe with a small plant planted in it.

Conscious Consumption

1. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

2. Choose quality over quantity.

3. Buy secondhand; give items a second life.

4. Practice mindful shopping; ask, "Do I really need this?"

5. Support ethical and sustainable brands.

6. Embrace minimalism; own less, live more.

7. Research products for eco-friendly certifications.

8. Invest in durable, long-lasting items.

9. Value experiences over material possessions.

10. Celebrate "No Buy" days.

Resource Conservation

11. Conserve water; it's life's elixir.

12. Cut down on single-use plastics.

13. Use rainwater for gardening.

14. Turn off lights in empty rooms.

15. Unplug devices when not in use.

16. Compost food waste; nourish the soil.

17. Choose walking or biking over driving.

18. Reduce meat and dairy consumption.

19. Eat local and seasonal foods.

20. Opt for energy-efficient appliances.

A single use cup from a fast food retailer floating in a body of water.

Waste Reduction

21. Refuse single-use straws and utensils.

22. Be a responsible consumer.

23. Embrace the circular economy.

24. Support zero-waste initiatives.

25. Repair before discarding.

26. Embrace public transportation.

27. Reduce, repair, then replace.

28. Choose reusable bags and containers.

29. Save paper, go digital.

30. Educate yourself on sustainability.

Energy Efficiency

31. Use solar power for clean energy.

32. Turn off the tap while brushing.

33. Advocate for renewable energy sources.

34. Support eco-friendly businesses.

35. Reduce carbon emissions; carpool.

36. Insulate your home for energy savings.

37. Choose a cooler thermostat setting in cold months.

38. Opt for LED lighting.

39. Participate in Earth Hour.

40. Conserve, protect, and restore oceans.

A bee on outdoor plant with pink flowers.

Sustainable Gardening

41. Plant trees for cleaner air.

42. Respect wildlife habitats.

43. Support wildlife-friendly gardening.

44. Use organic and non-toxic fertilizers.

45. Harvest rainwater for your garden.

46. Create a bee-friendly garden.

47. Grow your own herbs and vegetables.

48. Practice "Leave No Trace" outdoors.

49. Choose native plants for your garden.

50. Be a responsible pet owner; pick up waste.

Community Engagement

51. Volunteer for environmental causes.

52. Support local farmers' markets.

53. Engage in clean-up events.

54. Advocate for sustainable policies.

55. Connect with like-minded eco-warriors.

56. Participate in community gardening.

57. Join or start a sustainability group.

58. Educate and inspire others.

59. Celebrate Earth Day.

60. Reduce plastic in oceans; say no to microplastics.

Wildlife and Habitat Preservation

61. Respect our Earth; it's our only home.

62. Protect pollinators; they sustain life.

63. Be a responsible traveler; tread lightly.

64. Support national parks and reserves.

65. Avoid products made from endangered species.

66. Conserve resources to protect habitats.

67. Be mindful of your water usage.

68. Choose responsible seafood options.

69. Plant wildflowers for pollinators.

70. Create habitat for wildlife in your garden.

Mindful Transportation

71. Choose a fuel-efficient vehicle.

72. Walk or bike for short trips.

73. Use public transportation when possible.

74. Carpool to reduce emissions.

75. Buy locally to support local businesses.

76. Offset your carbon footprint.

77. Plan Errands Efficiently: Combine Trips, Save Fuel.

78. Use cruise control for fuel efficiency.

79. Avoid idling your vehicle.

80. Embrace slow travel and savor the journey.

Someone using a sewing machine with a clothing item.

Eco-Friendly Fashion

81. Choose sustainable fabrics like organic cotton.

82. Support eco-friendly and ethical fashion brands.

83. Embrace secondhand and vintage clothing.

84. Repair clothing before replacing it.

85. Opt for timeless, versatile pieces.

86. Celebrate "No New Clothes" challenges.

87. Wash clothing in cold water.

88. Donate or upcycle old clothing.

89. Choose quality over quantity.

90. Learn about eco-friendly certifications.

Community Support

91. Be a conscious voter for sustainability.

92. Support renewable energy initiatives.

93. Advocate for wildlife protection.

94. Promote responsible resource management.

95. Encourage eco-friendly practices in your workplace.

96. Engage in eco-conscious parenting.

97. Educate the next generation.

98. Support green urban planning.

99. Champion environmental justice.

100. Be the change you wish to see in the world.


Starting a sustainable life is like embarking on an exciting journey, and it all begins with one simple step. It's about being mindful, staying aware, and making a commitment to do your part. Remember, sustainability isn't just about saving the planet; it's about keeping our world beautiful, balanced, and full of life for our kids and their kids. These 100 sustainability and eco-friendly resolutions are like a friendly roadmap for this adventure. They're not rules; they're like your trusty compass, helping you navigate the path to living consciously. And here's the best part – as you weave these resolutions into your daily life, you'll discover that sustainability isn't just a choice; it's a way of life and a wonderful gift to our planet and all the awesome creatures living on it. So, let's get started, and remember that every small change makes a difference!


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Kristin Erickson

I have taken only small steps to protect our planet throughout most of my life. I have moved into a stage where I want to take slightly larger steps. I hope you will come with me on this green living journey!


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